Our anniversary celebration this year included Rosie for several reasons. One being that she doesn't always take a bottle for a babysitter and another being just the fact that we love her too much to leave her. So we planned our day to be as baby friendly as possible and she tagged along.
Andrew worked a half day and I got our taxes filed in the morning and then at noon it was off to Salt Lake to play. We rarely make it up there so it is always a fun adventure when we do. We decided to go to the zoo and it was a blast. We loved seeing all of the animals and despite the fact that it was windy and chilly outside, it was a huge success. Most of the animals were out and about and so active. My three favorites were the otters, the little monkeys and of course the TIGER.

All of the animals seriously loved Andrew and came right up to the glass to play with him. The monkeys were the funniest by far and kept reaching out to touch his face that was right up close to the glass. So entertaining.

After the zoo we did a little shopping. Andrew and I each got a few things to spruce up our wardrobe. It's always fun to get a few new things that I can look forward to wearing. Then it was off to our dinner reservation. I have to admit this part of the evening was not too baby friendly and we got some stares in the restaurant but Rosie was beyond perfect and allowed us to enjoy eating our fancy meal together.

We met the sweetest couple sitting across from us at dinner. They overheard us telling the waitress that it was our anniversary and the man faked having to go to the bathroom only to order and pay for two delicious appetizers for us. The waitress came out to take our order and brought us the two dishes saying that some people in the restaurant wished us a happy anniversary.
I was blown away by the generosity.
I thanked them a million times because I knew it couldn't have been anyone else in the restaurant but them. We ended up talking to them for more than half of our meal until they were finished and ready to leave. At which point I thanked them again from the bottom of my heart for being so thoughtful and sweet to us even though we were practically strangers. They simply said how they remember being in our same situation not long ago
They asked us to pass it on one day in the future.
And to that I responded, "Will do."
I hope to remember this special act of kindness when Andrew and I are older and more financially stable. I would love to pass on the thoughtfulness of this sweet couple to another family. It made our night so memorable.
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