Wow time sure does fly! I can't believe my baby is two months old and counting. I'm sure I will be saying those words for the rest of her life (like most other parents) but she really is growing too fast.
In the last month Rosie has become a lot more aware of her surroundings and a lot more playful. She loves to make eye contact and smile and coo at whoever is talking to her. She loves to wiggle on her fluffy pink rug on the floor. In fact she wiggles so much now that it's hard to get a clear picture of her at all anymore because usually one limb or another is blurry. Her dad loves to come home from school at night and spend time with her. He can make her smile bigger than anyone else. They have a special little connection and I love it. Rosie loves to go for long walks and we have been lucky to have such nice weather lately that she and I have gone out almost everyday. She still loves to be swaddled tight for her naps and sleeping at night. She sleeps in her swing because she loves the motion and most nights she only wakes up once to eat and then goes right back down. Rosie loves taking baths. She smiles and kicks like crazy in the warm water. And I have to say there is nothing better than a clean yummy baby.
We took her to her 2 month doctor appointment and she weighed in at 10lbs 9oz and measured 24 inches long. She had to get shots that day and that was the hardest thing for me to watch. For the next two days she was a pretty sad girl who wanted to be held and cuddled a lot.
Rosie is such a sweet addition to our family. She brings happiness into our lives everyday and we love her.
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