Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I am so pathetic! These past...6 (now up to about 10) weeks have been a blur of work, lazy couch time, and family. I have not picked up a paint brush. I have done minimal house cleaning. I have not blogged (obviously). My daily structure went out the window with finals ending and I am just living each day as I feel like it. (literally depending on how I feel...happy and healthy or fluish with a headache).

At some point this type of living will have to end but for now, I am stopping to smell the roses every chance I get.

-Just to give you an idea of how pathetic I have been...This post has been a draft since May 31... Whoops. Everything in Italics was added more recently to this draft that has lingered for too long. But now I can publicly acknowledge that I had an excuse for all of this as a small being is growing inside me and has sort of turned my life upside down. (more on that later).

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