Monday, June 25, 2012

..birthday #24..

I decided to do rainbow decor so that we could keep the party going all month long and celebrate both of our birthdays. (A different post will be coming soon about my birthday bash.)

I loved the classy newspaper wrapping job. Those were all of his presents from his family.

Andrew asked his mom and I to make his favorite chocolate sheet cake. He wanted Andes mints on one half and peanut butter chips on the other. No one could decide which one they liked better.

He sure got a huge food stash! Andrew loves snack foods and his parents did not disappoint. He is stocked up for a year now at least.

Happy Birthday to my sweet husband Andrew! He is now 24 years old with many good years to come. I am so proud of him for all that he has accomplished in this last year with school and work. He is so diligent in going after what he wants and making sure he provides a good life for us. Thanks for all that you do for me Andrew. I'm lucky to call myself your wife.

We loved having both of our families over to our little basement to celebrate with us. We are so lucky to live close to family. They do so much to help and support us each and every day.


(The lighting in our basement is not very good because there are no windows. This makes taking pictures and getting them to look right a little bit hard, but we did our best.)

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